Wednesday, 11 April 2007

LDS Church up in Arms about New Christian DVD on Mormonism

The official Mormon Church News Room website has condemned a new Christian DVD on Mormonism as hateful, distorted, and full of misrepresentations. The distribution of the DVD, which The Salt Lake Tribune now estimates as being in the number of 350,000, has been produced by Evangelical group Good News for LDS.

Regarding the content of the DVD, the group themselves have said:

"It is easy for some to automatically assume that those who disagree with the premises of the LDS Church are motivated by hatred and are therefore "anti-Mormon;" however, it is our hope that thoughtful people will look beyond the name-calling to carefully examine the areas of belief that separate the LDS Church from the biblical norm. In our experience we have found that many people have a very limited understanding of what Mormon leaders have actually taught. Because this is true even within the LDS Church, some Mormons might feel that much of what this DVD contains is fabricated. For this reason great pains have been made to document the statements it contains. Several of them are taken directly from LDS publications and speeches given by those who are recognized as authorities in the LDS Church."

View the entire DVD online (below), make up your own mind who to believe, and post your comments:


Frank Staheli said...

How can someone claim to be loving when they mess up nearly every fact about the LDS Church in their DVD presentation?

Vince said...

I have read the page to which the above link takes the reader to but can't see how it addresses anything in the DVD. There are things about innacuracies in the DVD but nothing specific is mentioned. The charge is made that the DVD is hateful and unloving is broght forward but all it does it tell the truth. Sometimes the truth may not always be comfortable and it may not be what we really want to hear but if we have conviction for what is true and we see people who are in error it is surely the right thing to point this out? We must also remember that the Mormon Church believes that other Christian churches are in error and point this out also (i.e. Joseph Smith's 1st vision story - all churches are an abomination and their professors corrupt, etc) so it can't be one rule for one and one rule for another.

Anonymous said...

I find this dvd to be an incredible documentation of facts that one cannot ignore. Amazing work! It is evident that this is done in love for mormons and that it was done out of a desire to lead men to the truth. Carlos